Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Behind The Craft" with JAS Photo Part 1 Presented by The G Cafe

I was recently interviewed by The G Cafe for their premier installment of "Behind The Craft" the series. I had a blast sharing with them and being able to speak candidly about some key reasons why I shoot and my outlook on photography. Look for more to come from this interview and learning a little bit more about the man "Behind The Craft" yours truly. Thanks go out to The G Cafe for the wonderful feature & giving me a platform to share my views with their audience! Learn more about The G Cafe and all the great things they are doing over there at & also follow them on twitter for news updates @thegcafe ....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

JAS Photo Exclusive: Behind The Scenes @ Darien Brockington's "RAIN" Video Shoot

I recently had the pleasure of working with Darien Brockington  for his upcoming music video shoot "Rain".  A great day of shooting with a stellar cast and production crew. Over the years Darien has always been a blast to work with and continues to impress me with his enormous talent.  As Director of Photography the process became so much more gratifying as I was allowed the creative freedom to give input into some of the key parts of the project. At the end of the day let the work speak for itself!!! Take a moment to view the "Behind the Scenes" trailer created by yours truly and some exclusive images from the shoot.

For more info about Darien Brockington visit:

Wardrobe Styling by Brian Short of TFT Style
Make-Up by Lamil & Hair Styling by Shanna

Introducing Diamond Analycia as "Layla Jones"

Director- Muta'Ali

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are You Selling Out Your Passion?

(Most don't know that I was an artist way before I picked up the camera....So here's to me dusting off the rusty hand and getting back to my roots! Hope you enjoy)

I have been thinking about a lot of things lately, but what sticks out the most to me is the
topic of creative potential. Some people recognize/use their talents and others never realize their gift and lose them. Who's to say that we are using our talents in the right way? I want to pose a question to ponder while you read this "What would/could your talent be if not driven by material gain?". When I left my corporate gig on **Sunday May 26th, 2006 @ 3PM I thought I had it almost all figured out.:) I was going to stop working for the machine and embrace the freedom of making a living off of photography....I'm starting to wonder if I'm truly maximizing the opportunity that was placed in front of me with that decision. I believe there is an abundance of potential in each of us and we are only realizing a fraction of what we are capable of! Is it possible to expand our creative limits while selling our passion to make a living? Don't get me wrong "Baby got to eat" and we must do what it takes to provide for our families, but if this is all we do "Where's the time for yourself in your own passion?" I will be making a conscious effort to set aside time for my passion and push myself to create images/things that haven't been seen before. Hopefully my contributions can be an example of what you can do with your talent. Miles Davis once said "I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning... Every day I find something creative to do with my life." I don't have all the answers but I do have plenty of questions...We talk about so much but understand so little...Watch for the signs and TAKE your turn people!

**Never forget what it took to get you exactly where you are right now!~jasphoto

Here are examples of my passion with in some of my first images:
"Gods Reflections"- This was one of my very first shots....Still one of my favorites!
One of my first fashion shoots;)

Another one of my early fashion shoots....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Muse Me!

Moving towards the next chapter of where I'm going as a photographer, I found it only fitting that I put out an open casting to offer someone a  great opportunity to create some extraordinary work with me and my team. I am currently looking to bring a muse into the fold for new perspectives and new concepts that I am working on as we speak. If you are wondering why all the hoop-la...Well it is kind of a big deal for a creative. A muse acts as a conduit for creatives to vibe off of for new ideas and inspiration. For this reason I am looking to add someone to the team that is passionate about what they do and not afraid to have fun in the process. If you feel that's you or if you know of someone that might be interested, simply direct them to the casting page on my website for more details. All submissions should be directed to for review.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Going Green!

As a photographer I am always looking for new ways to do things that can improve my own efficiency as well as staying aware of the environmental effects. Over time I have been incorporating my own best practices, and will continue to look for new ways to do my part in going green. I would like to encourage others to evaluate your own area of expertise and determine how you can play a part.

A few Best Practices:
  • I no longer use CD's for file delivery unless expressed by client. I send all image proofing and final high resolution edits via FTP(File Transfer Protocol). It allows me to send larger files up to 3GB which replace the need for CD's/DVD's.
  • I use rechargeable batteries instead of regular batteries. It saves me money as well as it cuts down on disposable items I have post shoot. (I used to have to throw away at least 10 batteries per shoot)  
  • I am making a conscious effort to shoot more in natural light (best light anyway) which will ultimately conserve some of my electric consumption. 
These are just a few ways that I have modified my daily routine to go green. I look forward to continue growing in my own awareness! If you would like more in depth info about going green as a photographer or client visit 

"What you didn't know yesterday can make a difference today!!"

Monday, April 26, 2010


For sometime now it has been a goal of mine to display my work in a gallery setting.  Driven not for aspirations of monetary gain, but for personal accomplishment. On April 22nd I got my opportunity and had my first showing at Hagedorn Gallery for the Urban Lux Magazine "Lux List" Event.  Walking in as a person who is used to being behind the scenes, I experienced a great since of joy to see others admire my work in this open forum. Please take a moment to check out some of the beautiful images provided by Chieu Lee Photography   .  I look forward to this being the first of many!! Special thanks to everyone who came out to support!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"What I'm listening to Right Now" Tribute Image

These are images I shot back in 2007 of Janelle Monae . I figured since this is What I'm Listening To Right Now I should post them as a tribute. Ironically enough I have never posted any of these images until now....So enjoy and check out her music!

JAS Photo Shop Talk: Dance Theater Study

For the last 2 weeks I have been preparing to shoot with the African American Dance Review  (AADR) as their official photographer for their 2nd season production. Theater is a brand new animal for me to tackle and there are a number of variables that are uncontrollable in this environment. Knowing these challenges I have been studying to ensure that I am fully prepared for the gig. In my search of the internet I ran across a helpful resource (Theater Photography) that gave a great overview of capturing the essence of  a performance with great images.

As with any talent or profession you never stop learning and having fun if you love what you do. Last week I visited a dress rehearsal for the AADR performance and not only did I have a chance to sketch out my game plan for the show, but also enjoyed watching the makings of a great performance. Being a photographer you get opportunities to work with a variety of  great groups and individuals from all areas. The one thing I learned above all  is to be prepared and expect the unexpected. If you are looking for tips like I was, below you will find a short list of things that I felt would be useful:
  • Go to the dress rehearsal to plan your shots before the show (if possible) to find key moments. Don't hesitate to take notes.
  • Use a tripod or mono-pod to stabilize your camera to reduce vibration  in low light enviorments
  • Refrain from using a flash b/c it can be distracting to the dancers and I feel it takes away from the mood of the lighting on the stage
  • Shoot RAW if you can to adjust color variance in post processing
  • Keep in mind the perspective of the audience based on the show being made for them not the photographer. 
  • Look for the story behind each image you take otherwise you will end up with hundreds of images that don't truly depict the performance accurately. 
I invite you to come out and see a great show as well view work by yours truly in the production material. Find the details below:

The African American Dance Review Season II production (The Progressive Realization of Dreams) will take place on January 28-31, 2010 and February 4-6, 2010 at the historic Rialto Center for the Arts - Georgia State University in Atlanta. All proceeds will benefit the CFED Foundation.