Saturday, August 7, 2010

Are You Selling Out Your Passion?

(Most don't know that I was an artist way before I picked up the camera....So here's to me dusting off the rusty hand and getting back to my roots! Hope you enjoy)

I have been thinking about a lot of things lately, but what sticks out the most to me is the
topic of creative potential. Some people recognize/use their talents and others never realize their gift and lose them. Who's to say that we are using our talents in the right way? I want to pose a question to ponder while you read this "What would/could your talent be if not driven by material gain?". When I left my corporate gig on **Sunday May 26th, 2006 @ 3PM I thought I had it almost all figured out.:) I was going to stop working for the machine and embrace the freedom of making a living off of photography....I'm starting to wonder if I'm truly maximizing the opportunity that was placed in front of me with that decision. I believe there is an abundance of potential in each of us and we are only realizing a fraction of what we are capable of! Is it possible to expand our creative limits while selling our passion to make a living? Don't get me wrong "Baby got to eat" and we must do what it takes to provide for our families, but if this is all we do "Where's the time for yourself in your own passion?" I will be making a conscious effort to set aside time for my passion and push myself to create images/things that haven't been seen before. Hopefully my contributions can be an example of what you can do with your talent. Miles Davis once said "I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning... Every day I find something creative to do with my life." I don't have all the answers but I do have plenty of questions...We talk about so much but understand so little...Watch for the signs and TAKE your turn people!

**Never forget what it took to get you exactly where you are right now!~jasphoto

Here are examples of my passion with in some of my first images:
"Gods Reflections"- This was one of my very first shots....Still one of my favorites!
One of my first fashion shoots;)

Another one of my early fashion shoots....

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