Wednesday, December 23, 2009


(Model:Maxx/MUA:AunJolie/Designer:Fly Couture/Wardrobe Stylist:Lamil Designs)

What better way to start off my official JAS Photo Blog, than with the topic of ReEvolution. I have been over whelmed with ideas, creative concepts, and new techniques that have been on my mind for sometime now. It could be because my time lately has been limited to client driven gigs or maybe it's just because the time has come to shed the old work and bring in the new! Which ever the case I have found myself amp'd at the thought of the coming attractions that lay ahead! Keflon61 and myself are currently working a series of images called "The Pegasus Project". This project will be a push for both of us to integrate detailed pre-production and post production through the perspectives of both our styles. So with that said Bookmark Us, Follow Us (JASPhoto & Keflon61), visit our website and allow us to take you on a fantastic journey of ReEvolution with in our world of photography!

Max was one of the first male models that I recently photographed. Outside of the cologne campaign I just did, this was my first real creative endeavor with a male model. You can check my port for the proof!lol Don't know why it has taken this long, but hey no better time than right now!! It was a great shoot and you will be seeing more from it in the days to come.


Link of the Day: What you will find out about me, I am all for the education of others interested in learning about photography. Seeing that we are in the holiday season I thought it only fitting to post a link that explains how to photograph holiday lights effectively. Pretty helpful if your out trying to capture your special moments in front of your Christmas lights! Click here